Marie-Luise Ribbnäs

In the middle of a challenging career I painfully learned that if you are not aware of who you are and how you affect others, you can not lead yourself - and certainly not others. The tough but valuable insight led me back to my true passion and strength - the people and the relations between us, as a condition for achieving the results we want.
"When you talk, you are only repeating what you already know. But if you listen, you may learn something new"
-Dalai Lama
- Wide experience in sales, marketing, and communication from practical work on the sales floor
- Strategic and visionary work in leadership- and management teams
- Coaching, facilitation and process management of individuals, groups and organisations with customers in the private and public sector
- 07- Running my own business
- 05-07 Facilitator/coach for international leadership development programmes within the IKEA group
- 02-05 Commercial Manager Worldwide, Children’s IKEA, IKEA of Sweden
- 99-02 Project manager for relaunching the IKEA family concept globally
- 97-99, PR and Communications Manager, IKEA group
- 94-97 Sales leader Furniture for IKEA Retail in Sweden
- 91-94 Furniture manager, acting Store manager and Project leader for rebuild of IKEA Helsingborg
- 88-91 Group leader, Furniture department, IKEA Malmö
- 87-88 Sales clerk and Group leader trainee, Furniture department, IKEA Malmö
Education and further development
- 20 Neuroscience of Change, Coaches Rising
- 18 Co-Active® Leadership Experience, CTI®
- 17 International Coach Federation, Professional Certified Coach
- 12-13 Coach Training Programme, CPCC Certification Programme, CTI, Co-Active® Coaching
- 10-11 Coach Training Programme, Core Curriculum, CTI, Co-Active® Coaching
- 08-09 The Four Rooms of Change®, certification training
- 05-06 Coach training, Coachutbildning Sverige, International Coach Federation, Associate Certified Coach
- 87-07 Internal education, IKEA (Project, store and retail manager training)
- 82-87 University of Lund, Sweden-Bachelor of Arts, Business Economics and Languages