All business is human
When everyone has the opportunity to work in an environment where they are energized, inspired, where they happily and without fear can contribute their strengths to the development of themselves and their organisation, great results can be achieved.
"Creativity and development will come when we dare to be curious, vulnerable and non-judgemental toward ourselves and others."
What do you need to accept, leave or influence?
It is rare that people leave their workplace because of the company or business. People leave because of the leadership. Political games, fears and denial behaviour destroy businesses, organisations and employees. Your job as a leader is to understand which behaviours are destructive or productive in yourself and others.
Who do you choose to be in order to do what you need to do?
When you feel grounded and are okay with who you are. When you do things in a simpler way. Then you start doing the right things instead of doing things right. This is a basic building block for organisations, managers and employees to allow them the opportunity to reach their full potential.
“It is in the interaction between people, when the interaction has a common direction, that amazing things begin to happen.”
We are all equally different
We have learned, through thousands of meetings with people in our development programs, that people have the same needs, longings, fears and anxieties. Regardless of religion and culture, we all have our heart in the same place. Only when we meet at that level do we become credible and can we appreciate each other’s differences, strengths and weaknesses. When we open ourselves to each other we show that we are human and create a climate where we feel that we are safe and that we belong. Then amazing things can be achieved!