”Today our unit has indeed increased its performance”
"Kunskapen ledde till insikt som i sin tur ledde till förändring"
"Vi har idag en bättre förståelse för våra styrkor och svagheter"

    Vad andra säger om oss

    Den bästa feedback vi kan få är när våra klienter berättar att de fått nya insikter. Att de hittat en väg där de ser de mänskliga som något alldeles unikt och fantastiskt som man kan dra nytta av i sin verksamhet.

    "As a global organization with leaders in most continents, we were looking for ways to develop and challenge our leaders that goes beyond the traditional standard leadership development curriculum and that would open up an individual as well as collective learning journey for each participant. Specifically, we were looking for a partner with the experience, competence and personality that could create such a learning journey and that would challenge our thinking and comfort zones while securing a cultural fit with our overarching objectives. We found this partner in Entira.

    All along, Entira has been very eager to learn about our organization, culture and challenges and has been very receptive and responsive to our needs. While the intellectual and emotional investment from all participants have been high, the immediate return can be felt from all corners of our world. And although the response from participants have been overwhelmingly positive, we are continuously measuring the impact from the development in team performances and engagement.

    As the journey has only started, we feel we have found a fantastic partner in Entira to help us navigate the continued development of our leadership on the road ahead. We therefore can give our sincerest recommendations for any organization that wants to be challenged and moved in more ways than what is traditionally offered."

    Peter L Nilsson, CEO
    Ecolean Group

    ”Barilla kom i kontakt med Entira då vi såg ett behov av att utveckla vårt ledarskap, att bygga en stabil gemensam grund för samtliga våra chefer, baserat på våra värderingar. Vi har nu samarbetat under flera år med ett utbildningsprogram för att skapa ett medvetet och coachande ledarskap och är mycket nöjda med de resultat vi hittills sett. Entira har varit oerhört lyhörda för våra behov och har på ett ytterst professionellt sätt lotsat oss genom denna process. Jag kan verkligen rekommendera Entira till andra företag.”

Tommy Mohlin, Plant Senior Manager
    BU Bakery Filipstad Plant, Barilla

    "Entira och Johan Bauer-Björklund har hjälpt och gett oss verktyg att bli bättre coacher, ledare och chefer. Vi har idag en bättre förståelse för våra styrkor och svagheter samt en plan för hur vi ska utvecklas som individer och lag. Vi kommer garanterat att jobba med Johan många fler gånger och kan lämna våra bästa rekommendationer."

    Erik Syrén, MD/VD
    Lundalogik AB

    "Vårdförbundets avdelningsstyrelse i Skåne har under våren och sommaren 2013 haft förmånen att arbeta tillsammans med Entira. Utan att överdriva kan jag säga att samarbetet med Entira har varit oumbärligt för utvecklingen av vår organisation. Vår förmåga att leda som grupp har utvecklats på ett sätt som jag inte trodde var möjligt och även den personliga ledarskapsutvecklingen har tagit ett ordentligt skutt framåt för oss alla.

    Med Entiras hjälp fick vi kunskap som ledde till insikt som i sin tur ledde till förändring. Utbildningen var skräddarsydd efter våra egna behov och önskemål och genomförd med skicklighet, humor och värme. Vi hade helt enkelt förbaskat kul tillsammans.

    Jag kan varmt rekommendera Entira till alla som vill utveckla sina ledningsgrupper och verksamheter."

    Mats Runsten, Ordförande
    Vårdförbundet avdelning Skåne

    "For almost a year during 2011-2012, our management group experienced fruitful collaboration with ENTIRA, receiving educational guidance from its experienced and professional representatives Johan Bauer Björklund, Marie-Luise Ribbnäs and Karsten Olofsson. ENTIRA’s support and mentorship during a difficult time in our daily work environment was pivotal to our teambuilding process. Our development as a management group, indeed, depended on the continuous support from ENTIRA.

    Today our unit has increased its performance compared to the time before our collaboration with ENTIRA. Patient flow, equipment logistics and short- and long-term intervention planning function much better, as does interaction with other departments. As a result the psycho-social work environment in our unit has improved. In conclusion, all these factors have led to a much higher appreciation level among our co-workers regarding the daily working conditions in our unit.

    Looking back at the goals we reached with ENTIRA, we are very grateful for the didactic activities, mentorship and continuous support that we experienced. We can highly recommend ENTIRA’s educational efforts and mentorship for the development of team leadership skills, especially in a situation with a multitude of unsolved work-related problems."

    Johan Lundberg
    Medical Director, Associate Professor at Region Skåne, SUS-Lund

    "MedPharm had a reached a point where we, in order to maintain and develop our growth, needed to evolve as a company, both with regards to the organisational structure and as a team of co-workers. After speaking to many companies we went with Entira, and I am very pleased we did. I was anxious about the initial interaction, as I knew that all the scientists within MedPharm would require that Entira justify everything with evidence and facts. However, I was very impressed with how Nicki and Johan handled this, and a complete trust in Entira was rapidly gained.

    The outcome of our interaction with Entira (which continues) has been almost miraculous. Communication has been significantly improved (at all levels) and productivity has increased. The contentedness of the MedPharm co-workers is obvious to everyone, and it shows clearly in appraisals and the decrease in staff turnover rate.

    I cannot thank the Entira team enough and would recommend them without reservation. The investment in time and money has been returned many times over."

    Prof. Marc Brown PhD CChem FRSC.
    CSO and COO MedPharm Ltd. Chair in Pharmaceutics